Classes & Programs


Classes For All Fitness Levels

Please see Current Class Options →

Circuit Training

Our most popular group exercise program, circuit training is an easy and never boring approach to mature adult exercise. This structured routine combines the four components of fitness (aerobics, strength, flexibility, balance) into one 45-minute class. Set up in a series of strategically-placed upper and lower body exercises, the circuit consists of machines, calisthenics, and free weights to achieve your total body workout. Participants spend one minute at each station before moving to the next activity in the sequence.

Cardio/Strength Conditioning

With this customized approach participants follow an hour-long individualized routine. The menu of exercises are created using the help of a knowlegeable coach with personal goals and limitations in mind. Aerobic machinery such as treadmills, recumbent cycles and steppers, rowing machines, and eliptical crosstrainers are utilized to strengthen the heart and lungs, effectively improving stamina. Various weight-stack machines and free weights are employed to increase muscle strength and tone. Members are carefully coached to perform a certain number of sets and reps for all the major muscle groups and encouraged to enjoy at least 20 minutes of aerobic activity during a session.

Middle Management

A specialty class to supplement a standard cardio/strength workout, middle management is a routine of core conditioning floor activities designed specifically to stretch and strengthen the torso. This series of abdominal and low back conditioning exercises is important for individuals who may have a pre-existing back problem or someone who is trying to prevent such a condition. Our carefully chosen “tummy tightening” exercises and hamstring stretches are a healthy addition to any fitness program.

Total Body Strength

Full body strengthening exercises are used in this class, allowing participants to improve the strength of their joints, enhance core stability, and bolster bone density. An emphasis is placed on using a never-ending variety of fun activities and props to improve the overall functional fitness capabilities of both men and women over the age of 50.

Gentle Yoga

This class provides “young at heart” participants an opportunity to add a little something different to their fitness routine. Our small group setting allows for individually-paced progression that can be as chal­len­ging or easy as needed, all done under the supervision and guidance of our caring, safe­ty-con­scious instructor.

Balance and Core Strengthening

This 40 minute class is designed to simultaneously increase an individual’s balance and core strength. The class progresses through standing, seated, and optional floor exercises utilizing a chair and some small props (provided). Modifications are provided to accommodate all fitness levels, as the class is designed to challenge both beginners and advanced participants. These two areas of fitness are typically undervalued in most exercise routines. Check out this class and target both at the same time!


Total Stretch

This short but effective routine is designed to improve overall flexibility of the participants. This head-to-toe approach is an ideal complement to the class following it or as a warm-up or cool-down to a machine workout.

Zumba Gold

This class is modified for the mature adult and exercise both your body & mind with lively, upbeat music and enthusiastic instructors. Learn a variety of fun, easy, and low-impact dance styles. No experience necessary and no partner required.

Joyous Movement / NIA

 This fun, low-impact cardio workout to music will increase your flexibility, balance, strength, and mobility. Taught by local NIA experts, each session combines dance (no experience necessary) with toning and stress-release techniques for all fitness and skill levels. You will leave feeling both energized and relaxed after experiencing elements of different dance styles, tai chi and aikido, and the healing arts. Taught by Lynda Fischer and Monica Whipple.

Men's Yoga

Now, the guys have a class they can call their own. Taught by Andre Alyeska, the attitude and environment of this hour-long yoga class will be more like hanging out with the boys on the sports team. Plenty of jokes, laughter, and good-natured fellowship. Oh yeah, you’ll improve your strength and flexibility and learn proper breathing and meditation techniques, too.

Women's Yoga

Our Women’s Yoga class is designed to accommodate all experience and ability levels! Come see how gentle yoga can improve your flexibility, mobility, strength, balance, and help prevent injuries!

Movement With Parkinsons

A specialty class for People with Parkinson’s and their caregivers focusing on movement issues im­portant to health and safety: flexibility and coord­ina­tion; balance and fall prevention; transitional movements and walking; vocal and facial exercises. Participants learn specific movement strategies to make daily activities easier and more enjoyable. We include movements, sometimes with music, done sitting, standing, walking and on the floor, as students are comfortable. Contact instructor Marg Bartosek for more information.

Swing Time Dance

Once called Jitterbug, this dance originated in speak-easies and has had several periods of popularity, including in the big band era and in a resurgence that began in the 1990’s. This 6-count dance is a good match for older dancers as it is danced at a more moderate pace than the Lindy Hop, another swing dance that is currently popular with 20- and 30-somethings. Class is in a drop-in format with more advanced skills and moves being taught as the class advances. Dances will be held at FOF periodically so you can strut your stuff. Singles and couples welcome. First class free.


 Join Swing Time Dance instructor Seth Williams as he debuts a new aerobic class on

Saturday mornings. No previous swing dance experience necessary, instead show up for

some fun and get your heart rate up!!

Wellness Classes


Recovery Coaching

Recovery Plus+ provides members with special needs an opportunity for ongoing personal assistance following an accident, surgery, or physical therapy.

Fitness Coaching

Personal customization for members needing an addition to or change in their workout regimen. Also great for the more active member who has a specific sports or recreational focus.

Wellness Enlightenment Seminars

FOF offers free presentations, workshops, and seminars for members and their friends. We strive to keep the mind sharp and educational process ongoing. Our community has many health and wellness specialists and we take advantage of their expertise to broaden the knowledge base of our members.

Special Events

FOF organizes field trips and in-house activities that give members a chance to try new and fun things in order to stay young at heart. Hikes, potluck BBQs, arts and crafts, games, food tastings, massage, and various social events are always on the schedule for those who like to keep laughing and enjoy the company of others.

FOF Mobile

Not everyone has the ability to come to the Willamette Wellness Cen­ter for their fitness needs. In this case, the staff at Fitness Over 50 is available to travel to individual residences for personalized functional training.




Gym Hours         

Monday- Friday 5:00am – 7:00pm               

Saturdays 7:00am – 2:00pm                         

Sundays 1:00pm – 5:00pm